CAS Project
Strawberry Crest High School
IB Program
The CAS Project is for Juniors and Seniors only.
- The project must be 30 hours, minimum
- It must cover TWO CAS domains
- One of the domains covered must be Service. (Service + Action or Service + Creative)
- The 30 hours is INCLUDED in the total requirement of 150 CAS hours, it is not extra
It is recommended that CAS Projects span at least 6 weeks.
Examples of CAS Projects:
1. Relay for Life: Do a bake sale to raise $100 for the event, and participate in the event.
--5 Creative hours for baking (a new recipe)
--4 Creative hour for making posters and t-shirts for the event
--3 Service hours for selling the baked goods in your community
--18 Service hours for staying at the event from 6:00 PM to 12:00 PM. (Social Issue = Health Issues)
=30 total hours, split up into 2 categories
2. Sulphur Springs Drama: Help elementary school students put on a play:
--24 Creative hours for building sets on 4 Saturdays
--8 Service hours for helping with the rehearsal and the performance (Social Issue = At-Risk Youth)
= 32 total hours
3. Tutoring and Mentoring at Bailey Elementary: Help tutor students in the HOST program and help out on movie nights & other events
--15+ Service hours providing tutoring to students (Social Issue= Education OR At-Risk Youth)
--15+ Action or Creative hours helping out with Movie Night
= 30+ total hours
4. Chapters: Volunteer at a local nursing home and write a biography on their life. (See Activities page for link to their website)
--25 Service hours spending time with a resident
--5 creative hours for writing the biography and submitting it to Chapters
=30 total hours, with the potential for much more!
Remember, your CAS Project should include:
--Statistics on your social issue
--one large reflection
--Pre-approval for ALL activities associated with your project